martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

Vinicio Moreno Proaño - Conoce a nuestro nuevo profesor


Licenciado y Abogado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Magister en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Tecnológica Israel, docente de grado de la Facultad de Derecho, Política y Desarrollo de la Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo; docente del Colegio de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, docente de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, docente de Posgrado en la Universidad Tecnológica Israel y la Universidad de Otavalo.

Presidente de la Red de Capacitación del Ministerio Público Iberoamericano RECAMPI, 2017- 2019. Miembro de la Asociación Ecuatoriana de Ciencia Política AECIP. Director General Subrogante del Consejo de la Judicatura; Asesor de la Dirección General del Consejo de la Judicatura; Subdirector de Promoción de Mediación del Centro Nacional de Mediación de la Función Judicial; Director de la Escuela de Fiscales de la Fiscalía General del Estado del Ecuador; Asesor de la Fiscalía General del Estado. Experto Litigante de la Fiscalía General del Estado. Asesor de la Dirección Provincial de Pichincha del Consejo de la Judicatura.

Experiencia como capacitador y conferencista en la Procuraduría General de la República de Brasil, Policía Nacional del Ecuador; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Fiscalía General del Estado en temas relacionados a: Litigación Oral, Argumentación Jurídica y Oratoria Forense; Violencia de Género e intrafamiliar, Metodología de Capacitación en materia penal a servidores públicos, Delitos flagrantes en Ecuador, Trata de personas y tráfico de migrantes, Derecho Ambiental, pericias ambientales, negociación de causas complejas y amenazas a los defensores socio ambientales.

Delegado del Consejo de la Judicatura para los talleres preparatorios de la Evaluación Mutua 2021 del Grupo de Acción Financiera para Latinoamérica contra el lavado de activos (GAFILAT).

Delegado para el Comité Editorial de Publicaciones: informes y Documentos Técnicos sobre acceso a justicia del Consejo de la Judicatura.

Reconocimiento a la gestión en capacitación de más de mil servidores públicos a nivel nacional otorgado por el Embajador de los Estados Unidos de América en Quito, Exc. Emb. Todd C, Chapman. Reconocimiento al apoyo en capacitación a la Policía Nacional del Ecuador (2018), Dirección Nacional de Educación de la Policía Nacional, otorgado por la General de Distrito Ivonne Daza (2017).

9 comentarios :

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    The school is introducing Vinicio Moreno Proaño as a new teacher, citing his impressive background and qualifications for high-quality education. The school emphasizes the importance of highlighting his experience to build trust and confidence among students and parents. Sharing personal insights or a brief message from Vinicio can help establish a connection with the school community. The school is committed to expanding the teaching team and providing diverse perspectives in education. The introduction is a significant step towards fostering a strong sense of community within the school and the school looks forward to witnessing Vinicio's positive influence. Best wishes to Vinicio and the school on this new educational journey.

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    The review praises Vinicio Moreno Proaño as a new teacher, highlighting his impressive credentials, passion for teaching, innovative methods, effective communication, cultural sensitivity, collaboration, and accessibility. Proaño's commitment to individual success, clear communication, and cultural sensitivity create a positive learning environment. His approachability and sense of unity promote a positive academic experience, making him a pleasure to work with.

  5. Vinicio Moreno Proaño is a wonderful faculty member. His approach to teaching creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment by skillfully fusing enthusiasm and expertise. His extensive knowledge base allows him to impart difficult concepts with ease, ensuring that students understand the material clearly. In addition to his stellar scholastic record, Mr. Moreno creates a welcoming and engaging environment that inspires students to love learning. His innovative teaching techniques and genuine interest in the success of his students demonstrate his commitment to academic excellence. In conclusion, Vinicio Moreno Proaño is an invaluable asset to our institution because of his vast knowledge, dynamic teaching style, and sincere commitment to the educational process.
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  6. Vinicio Moreno Proaño is a wonderful faculty member. His lively and insightful teaching style creates a stimulating learning atmosphere. His deep understanding of the subject allows him to explain difficult ideas in a way that all pupils can understand. Mr. Proaño's commitment to student success and his enthusiasm for education are clear as he offers insightful advice and fosters critical thinking. His friendly manner fosters an atmosphere that is conducive to candid discussion and makes sure that students feel encouraged to pursue their academic goals. Vinicio Moreno Proaño is an educator that comes highly recommended because of his real devotion to his pupils' growth and development, along with his excitement and expertise.
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    Vinicio Moreno Proaño is a valuable addition to the teaching team, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise. His enthusiasm and passion for education are infectious, and his innovative teaching methods promise to engage and inspire students. His diverse background and experiences will enrich the educational programs, and his willingness to collaborate will benefit both students and colleagues. The addition of Vinicio is expected to help the school continue to thrive and excel.

  8. "¡Felicidades Vinicio! ¡Qué emocionante conocer tu nuevo proyecto! Estoy seguro de que tu dedicación, pasión y talento brillarán en esta nueva aventura. No puedo esperar para ver todo lo que lograrás y cómo seguirás impactando positivamente a quienes te rodean. ¡Mucho éxito en este nuevo camino!"

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  9. The school is devoted to growing its teaching staff and delivering varied educational views. The introduction is a crucial step in fostering a strong sense of community within the school, and the school is excited to see Vinicio's good influence. Best wishes to Vinicio and the school on their new educational path. proceso de divorcio de Nueva Jersey


Blog publicado por la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional Licencia Creative Commons
Contenido del blog producido por el Colegio de Jurisprudencia, con el apoyo tecnológico de la Oficina de Comunicación Virtual USFQ. Diseño del blog: Bthemez

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