martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

International Organised Crime

International Organised Crime - Real life Case Studies 
Legal and Operational Risks and Challenges.

International Organised crime presents considerable challenges, often meaning that Joint Investigative Teams from many countries working together need to have specialised lawyers as part of their operations. Lawyers and Operational Officers with experience in Covert Operational Tactics, with experience in Criminal, Maritime, Aviation, Corporate, Environmental, Money Laundering and other areas of law. These skills are particularly important when Unintended Consequences (Unanticipated / Unforeseen Consequences) have to be considered, especially when Organised Crime is investigated and prosecuted in multiple jurisdictions. Often, the jurisdiction within which investigations, prosecutions and sentences occur may determine quite different outcomes, for example, where the Criminal Justice System is based upon an Inquisitorial or Accusatorial process or whether the state concerned recognises certain Human Rights law or International Conventions.

This presentation will highlight ethical and moral questions regarding Decision Making and Human Rights Risk Assessments both in a legal and law enforcement context with reference to the work of organisations such as the United Nations, Interpol and Europol. 

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Contenido del blog producido por el Colegio de Jurisprudencia, con el apoyo tecnológico de la Oficina de Comunicación Virtual USFQ. Diseño del blog: Bthemez

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